Thursday, January 18, 2007

Are you Ready for the Surge?

How much difference will 21,500 more soldiers make? I guess we'll see. Maliki says if we just give him more guns, we can reduce troops in three to six months. I guess he'll take care of all the Sunni's by then.

Two Republican Senator's have come out publicly against the surge, Senator Chuck Hagel and Senator Olympia Snowe. Not that they have much power to stop it, though they can limit the money spent. Do they dare?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Seven Deadly Sins of Failure in Iraq: A Retrospective Analysis of the Reconstruction

The Middle East Review of International Affairs, December 2006

Kenneth M. Pollack, Director of Research, Saban Center for Middle East Policy

"It never had to be this bad. The reconstruction of Iraq was never going to be quick or easy, but it was not doomed to failure.[1] Its disastrous course to date has been almost entirely the result of a sequence of foolish and unnecessary mistakes on the part of the United States."

1. Ignorance
2. Arrogance
3. Neglect
4. Stubborness
5. Panic
6. Haste
7. Denial