Monday, February 19, 2007

Camp Funston

We finished inprocessing on Friday and moved down to Camp Funston. Camp Funston was previously a National Guard training and living area. Since the MiTT Mission moved to Fort Riley however, they have built new barracks, dining facilities and new offices. Construction is just recently completed however and they haven’t moved into the landscaping, sidewalk building and drainage phase. This wasn’t a problem on Friday when we moved because it was around 8 degrees and everything was under a layer of snow, however over the weekend temperatures were in the 50s and the snow melted and now it is a sea of mud. The POV (privately owned vehicle) parking lot where we park our cars was a grassy field; it is now a muddy muddy mess.
We are living in 30 man open bays with bunk beds. Each man has a footlocker and a wall locker to store all of the gear we were issued which I mentioned in a previous post. Needless to say, living conditions leave a lot to be desired. Imagine 30 pairs of muddy boots tromping through your kitchen everyday, and when it dries up and you try to sweep it up it just creates a dust cloud for about 30 minutes.


Quite Contrary said...

Where is the Fun in Camp Funston? I guess if you were 12 sleeping in a bunk with 30 other guys would be fun. How do you deal with the snoring?

I would appreciate a bit more info on Tal Afar, maybe contextualize what has been going on there. If I have to search the websites I get inTIMidated. No the Tim I dated.

Claire said...

I heard it was warm there. Glad its not icy. Sounds like its soon to be Camp Funkston if it gets any warmer.