Again a long delay between posts, I apologize for that. A lot has transpired since the last time I wrote. From Camp Buehring, we boarded a C-17 Cargo plane and made the quick flight up to BIAP (Baghdad International Airport), this was my first time in the Capitol and there certainly wasn’t much to see, everywhere you look there is a T-Barrier about 12 feet high blocking your view, these are in place to prevent shrapnel from flying to far during the oft occurring mortar attacks. We spent a long hot two days in Baghdad before once again flying on CH-47 Chinook helicopters up to Taji and the Phoenix Academy. At the Phoenix Academy we spent about a week in the class room, more language classes, more Counter Insurgency training, and even a visit from General Petraeus himself. Once again we were travelling, this time another CH-47 flight to Balad and finally after 48 hours of travelling, waiting, sweating, dragging four duffle bags, trying to stay awake, trying to hurry up and fall asleep, not showering and basic misery we boarded a C-130 bound for FOB Sykes.
After taxiing around the tarmac for about 15 minutes, the flight crew yelled that we had to change crews; apparently the pilot had strained his back and was unable to fly.