I guess I'll introduce this BLOG by just laying down some basic facts.
Right now I'm in school in Ft. Lee, VA at the Army Logistics Management College (ALMC) I am attending the Combined Logistics Captains Career Course (CLC3). I will graduate in January.
I am going to Iraq again as a logistical advisor to the Iraqi Army (part of MTT Team or Military Transition Team), while this may sound exciting or interesting (and I'm sure it will be both), there is alot of misinformation about what this actually means for me.
I know that when I graduate from CLC3, I will be assigned to Kuwait for Personnel Accounting Purposes, I will do about 90 days of training in Ft. Riley Kansas prior to going overseas.
A NY Times Article Outlines the Basic Idea
A MTT Team:
1. Consists of a 10-12 Officers and Senior NCO's specializing in Logistics, Military Police, Intelligence, Communication and Combat Arms.
2. Is embedded in an Iraqi Army, Security Police, or Border Patrol Battalion. (Not Sure which I will be a part of yet).
3. Lives, Eats, Trains, Patrols, Learns, Suffers and Survives along with their Iraqi Counterparts.
4. Can Live anywhere in Iraq, from the Kurdish Conrolled North, to the Shiite Controlled South to the volatile and ethnically diverse center.
5. Represents the "Exit Strategy" from Iraq. (If one exists that is)
6. Is the Army Leaderships Top Priority
7. Will be unlike anything I have done in the Army thus far.
you have this as 2007, makes it difficult to look at your new postings
Great blog! Proud of you!
Happy B-Day!
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